Glad to be here Alexander.

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Many thanks Matthew, I’m really happy to have you here, and very grateful to the gods of Substack who brought us together—the community building ability of this space is quite remarkable.

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"Expect everything you do on Substack to take MUCH MUCH longer than you think it will."

Let me first say that this was a fantastic post, and as a relatively new writer here, I found it much more helpful than what is being spewed out by the gurus.

I also started Internet-writing decades ago, and one thing I do miss on Substack is the spontaneity of just plopping something up on my blog. The newsletter format is somewhat terrifying. It takes me hours and hours and hours...

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Thank you so much for these words. I think there are certainly a lot of posts and gurus who wish to portray a certain path in this space, a path which is often unattainable, unless you pay them for the deeper secrets…

And I very much agree about the spontaneity of old school blogging. I miss that, especially anonymous blogging which I just realised in my case was now twenty-something years ago. Blimey. I think, because a subscriber to a letter has given you permission to land in their inbox, it becomes somehow more personal than a blog and, as such, warrants the extra time and attention. Of course, there are those who do not take that time or attention and then wonder why people are quickly unsubscribing.

The bottom line is to write what you want to read, what you enjoy, and keep doing that, even if the idea changes. Your readers will find you.

Thanks again!

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I agree, which is why the rewriting, rereading, and proofreading process takes so darn long. But sometimes I think I put a bit too much pressure on myself. I've seen professionals with tens of thousands of subscribers send out newsletters with a typo or two, for example, and I've felt indulgent towards them -- but would feel absolutely horrible if I did that.

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I’m very much with you on this one. The endless curse of never-finished-perfectionism!

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Excellent advice as usual, Alexander. I really appreciate your sharing and your "voice" in Notes and your writing.

If my numbers were taking a walk, they've always been very slow and very steady, somewhere with very little oxygen so they are always panting and out of breath, never running along, never jumping. Just slow and steady. Nothing to get exited about. Except that I do get exited about them, and I love so many of my subscribers who read me and get what I'm saying and engage with the comments. It's an amazing privilege to hold people's attention and for them to be enthusiastic about what they're reading.

The numbers are misleading too, in my case, because although I have subscribers, not all of them actually open the newsletter. I hover about 60% open rate. Not sure if it's the same people all the time of whether others come back. I think some people subscribe then think, bah I don't really like this writer, but never actually unsubscribe, they just stop opening.

I guess my point is that the way any tech platform encourages numbers isn't the best way top look at it for me. I just hope what I'm writing lands with some people and they enjoy my work here.

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I think what you say there, about the numbers being nothing to get excited about, that slow and steady progression yet they do excite is spot on. I think that’s because we both see subscribers as readers, as people our words have touched, not just another mark on a graph.

I remain convinced that this is the best way to view this place which, despite all the many gurus out there telling us otherwise, I believe is what many of the design team also want—to build community, to actually champion work which matters. I’d like to also believe that if we keep doing that, then those numbers will keep rising.

I would, however, deeply love to have more time to write and share things, not just my own work, but the time to read and reply to that of others. I’ve felt that lack strongly recently, and am currently trying to have a rethink about how I can fit in more reading, without it impacting other things (at least, without it negatively impacting, timewise—I think the more I read, the more I want to write, and the better I write, too. Lifted by the marvels of others—yourself very, very much included).

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What a vulnerable and honest share. I hope the 1800 reader comes to you today from North Dakota. I appreciate your insight and reminding writers of the patience that things might take awhile.

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Thank you so much for this. Still no reader from North Dakota, but I remain sure it will happen one day! Only time will tell!

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This is such a valuable post Alex, I remember last years 'state of play' post and have held onto much valuable advice. I think we all look at numbers, sadly it is the way of all social media and whilst Sustack is very different in its engagement, it's still based on numbers, it has to be for profit to be made. However, I couldn't agree more when you say we are each on a different journey and this is so important to remember - I always remind myself of the Desiderata, "do not compare yourself to others, for you will become vain and bitter" never were truer words spoken or written and that might not be quite the exact words as they are written from memory but they're close enough to make my point - also your point!

(now I'm rambling and I've forgotten where I was going...)

Oh yes, community and friendships, this is where the real gift is in this magical little corner of the internet - I pray it stays that way - Instagram didn't, it became glamorised by insincerity but it was a wonderful corner for connections way back when it began. I feel a much deeper connection here, stronger friendships which are so important to everything we are aiming for - that being an audience that will interact with honesty and intelligence and encouragement!

I hope you get your North Dakota subscription and are now well on your way to 2K subs by the end of the year since I'm so damn behind with my reading and late with commenting!

PS You were one of my first and abiding inspirations here for which I am ever in your debt - thank you my friend. x

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I agree about the early days of Instagram, even Twitter back in the day was full of people who genuinely loved conversation about things that matter. I made a lot of friends there and I still miss it sometimes. I am hopeful that Substack won't go that way, if only because there aren't adverts and, as such, the need to keep people scrolling. We'll see, of course and, if it does go horribly wrong, at least we can take our subscriber list with us...

Still no one from North Dakota. I am beginning to think nobody reads over there, or perhaps they read other things, things I do not share!

There's certainly no debt between us, as our friendship definitely works both ways. I am so very happy that you are here--and you remain an inspiration for me, too, along with being an inspiration to others! I think this point, that of friendship and community, is something I have really clung to in this rather difficult year, and I am very, very grateful for it, and you! x

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Such an excellent post, Alex, so much gathered knowledge generously shared. And touched by the connection you feel to the values at the heart of our corner of Substack. Much appreciated. Cordialement. Barrie

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Oh I really do feel that connection to the values you share, it is such a great list/manifesto, and one I often return to, thank you so much.

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Your energy and writing intrigue. Yes I read to the end. Must say I don’t care about statistics. I do care about writers with vision to bring new insights to poetry , prose, life. Your writing is enlightening as is many other writers on sub stack. There is a world community. This forum is encouraging. Best advice is proofreading what you write. But many times a word or phrase will not be allowed to be corrected. Sometimes I have to copy and then delete; then rewrite. This is a note of frustration. I am concerned with intrusion by censorship. The world is in a place where words are being used, diverted , manipulated to ways that could be interpreted, misconstrued. Orwellian red is green thinking.

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I believe words are central to our existence as humans and, as such, can be used for good purposes, or bad. Too often, we hear and read the latter, simply because, as the old adage goes, if it bleeds, it leads—we, as a species, sadly prefer shock and outrage and horror to love, kindness, and decency. Yet this space gives me hope, and I know there are billions of others out there who would vastly prefer the latter to the former. No matter where I have travelled on this planet people, over all, are good, are full of interest and connection to one another, rather than division. It’s just that we don’t often hear that.

Thanks for reading this monster post and a big thank you for all your comments, that you take the time to share means a lot to me.

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