I am so excited about this series. Looking forward to the next installment!

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Only just catching up with comments! I'm really happy you liked this, it is my attempt to somehow marry fiction and non-fiction, along with thoughts and questions for all, in a shorter format too. I am finding it refreshing too, which is always a good thing.

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I really enjoyed this, and I am looking forward to you expanding on these themes! Totally up my street. I'm also looking forward to your Gregor Lamb post at some point, too. Folklore FTW!

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I have a few ideas about 'thank you' posts. The older I get, the more I realise I should be more thankful too, similar to commenting, it makes sense to share that. Glad you enjoyed this! One thing I also want to do is keep it relatively short, no more than 1k words, certainly, but preferably shorter. The idea being that more people would actually read that than the longer pieces. A mixture of lengths makes some sort of sense!

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Yes, thank yous are important - as are miniature missives sent by snail mail! I have actually managed some unexpected letters and parcels recently, but I still have a list of more to send. I'm checking them off as and when I carve out (or possessively grab) a few spare moments. I quite like running with the idea of a season of thank yous, at some point I shall make a note!

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This sounds a wise plan! The mail (to the UK at least) is just so very expensive now. And with no guarantee things will arrive. :(

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I know. Sad times. Still, we're now back in Horizon (research funding), so maybe there will be further developments/reversals? Keeping everything crossed...

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Oh, I didn't know about that! That really is good news.

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