I actually don’t want you to have had to leave... this adventure of feral living and oneness with nature has been spellbinding.

No need to reply Alex, I just wanted you to know... and also before I forget, your photos of snow filled skies; you captured the muddy colour clouds turn when heavy with snow perfectly... my favorites yet.

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Oh, I loved those photos too, that colour is so special.

And thank you, so much. I really appreciate you reading and enjoying this series. I have a few ideas for other pieces based on this adventure (as well as the book proposal), but I am glad I have a little more time now. Whilst also being a little sad the day-by-day account has come to an end! We're funny creatures, us humans.

Thanks again (I know you said no need to reply! Oops!)

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I am envious of the cold and water you have! It has been slightly warmer than normal around here, and very, very dry. I think we're going into year three of this drought, so all the icicle and snow photos are much appreciated!

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Year three of a drought is not good, at all. It is alarming, how weather patterns are altering so quickly and so much, too.

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Multi-year droughts aren't unheard of around here, but the temperatures in late fall have been so much higher than they should be. I miss having snow in November and December.

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I hope the temperature drops soon and you can get some snow. Usually, the snow here doesn't really arrive until later in the season, January or February. That said, I suspect this will stay, higher on the mountains, at least., not down here though.

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It's funny to come back to this today, because we got a surprise snow storm last night. It wasn't much, just enough to cover the grass, but it snowed!

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Hooray for surprise snow--to be honest, that is the best sort of snow, an unheralded gift.

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