In last week’s Entries & Edges, all about selkies, I said that in theory there would be another edition along today. There could be, there’s a draft, but then I thought perhaps it was good just to allow a brief pause before we continue with our discussion of coastlines in January.
Instead, I wanted to take this opportunity to send a big thank you to you all—for reading, for sharing my words, for commenting and replying and generally making it a pleasure to be here. I appreciate it—and you—more than you probably know.
This non-post somehow grew, as I discussed the strengths of community, those who mistake kindness for weakness, negativity, half and false arguments, statistics, and graphs—but then I realised it is probably a lot better (and easier to read a couple of days after Christmas), if I simply say thank you for being here.
Thank you.
Normal service will resume soon, along with a new piece of serialised fiction (A Clean Death), and the second season of Ancestral, Wild Empowerment.
Until then, take care of yourselves and each other—keep looking for the light in all things.
Thank you for enriching our lives.
And thank you for all the interesting posts 🙂